Is Your Stomach Your God?
I have been thinking about my body lately. I noticed some changes, some fat deposits around my midsection to be exact, and I am not happy about it.
Many times, when we think about honoring our bodies for the glory of God (1st Corinthians 6:20), we think of sexual desires or alcoholism. However, do you know that the desire for food can also be dangerous to us?
Two passages brought it home for me and made me reflect on my eating habits.
Philippians 3 verse 19 NIV version - “Their destiny is their destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.”
Proverbs 23 verse 2 “..and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony…”
As usual, read the whole chapter, meditate on it and ask yourself, “is my eating habit gluttonous?” Then ask Jesus to search your innermost being and bring to surface any hidden desires (Psalm 139 verses 23 & 24).
What did God reveal to you whilst reading the chapters of Proverbs 23, Philippians chapter 3 and Psalm 139?
Then make this part of your daily affirmation “Christ in me is stronger than the wrong desires in me.”